
Paul Harker’s online profiles / pages

Instagram Profile
The page of Harker Screenwriter

Facebook Profile
The page of Harker Screenwriter

Panoptical Films
A talented groups of filmmakers and producers, including Ashley Karrell and Adam Lowe, with who I am connected on various projects.

Mandy Profile
An excellent resource for finding collaborators for film production.

Film Freeway Profile
An excellent portal for entering film and screenplay competitions

Screenwriting Groups

Oakwood Film Academy
Based in Oakwood, North Leeds and run by Johnny Edmond who lectures at Leeds University, the group is focused on film production and has its own equipment, from good quality cameras, to lights, microphones to a suite of PCs for editing.
I currently work as the screenwriting mentor – see my profile here

London Horror Society
Obsessed with all things horror, the Society brings together horror filmmakers including producers, directors, editors, actors and of course screenwriters with the ambition of encouraging, facilitating and producing short and feature length independent films. I am currently working with the Society producing a series of recorded screenwriting advice sessions focusing on helping beginner and early career writers.

Script Yorkshire
An excellent writing group, mostly theatre focused by also covering TV, film and radio. They charge an annual membership fee for around 6-8 seminars a year. Well worth the investment if you live in or near to the Yorkshire region.

A south west based group who run a monthly ‘Scratch Night’ competition, the winners getting a Zoom based table read with actors of their short scripts, usually based on a theme. Membership is free at the moment, but they ask for donations. The group’s founders, Suzanna and Alex provide an excellent paid notes service which I would highly recommend.